Module 1, Body

Rebirthing God, Chapter 1

This module is designed to take the participant into the complexities of incarnation. Advent is the time that the Christian church prepares for the birth of Christ. Birth is an experience of the body. It is visceral and raw. It is life-threatening and gorgeous. What does the Divine Incarnate have to say to Christians of this time? What does the incarnation reveal about the love of the Creator for all creation—even the body.

Read the chapter 1, "Reconnecting with the Earth," in The Rebirthing of God and select one or more of the following:

"Ableism" on the Liturgists Podcast

"White Flowers" a poem by Mary Oliver

"Creation" a poetic sermon by James Weldon Johnson

Module 2, Move

The Rebirthing of God, Chapter 4

There is a mystical joy in the unbridled dancing of a child. There is a time to sit in stillness and contemplation, and there is a time to move. Along the road to Emmaus, the disciples encountered the risen Christ. As they journeyed along with him, their hearts, broken by disappointment and loss, were opened to a ridiculous truth: God is a God of resurrection. 

Read the chapter 4, "Reconnecting with the Journey," in The Rebirthing of God and select one or more of the following:

A short poem by William Blake

Alexander Shaia on the RobCast Podcast

Whirling Dervish at TEDx-video

Module 3, Story

The Rebirthing of God, Chapter 2

Jesus came with the news that God's story is bigger, wider, more inclusive, and more expansive than anyone in Jesus's Jewish community thought. Not everyone called that good news. There are many things that Jesus could have done to communicate this message, but he, overwhelmingly, chose story. 

Read the chapter 2, "Reconnecting with Compassion," in The Rebirthing of God and select one or more of the following:

Mary Catherine Bateson on the OnBeing Podcast

"The Dream About Shouting" a poem by Dominique Christina

"Showing up," a story told on the Moth Podcast

Module 4, Table

The Rebirthing of God, Chapter 8

From the Oaks at Mamre to the Last Supper, the Divine has honored the table. Behind breathing, eating and drinking are the most primal of human needs. By linking our human mandate to eat with the Divine mandate for relationship, God has imbued the mundane with the significance. 

Read the chapter 8, "Reconnecting with Love," in The Rebirthing of God and select one or more of the following:

 "Imagine the Angels of Bread" a poem by Martin Espada

Haywood Street Congregation-Video

"Where We Eat," on the Splendid Table Podcast