Missional Wisdom Foundation

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Wandering: Easter

Risen Indeed!

It feels like an uprising. An uprising of hope, not hate. An uprising armed with love, not weapons. An uprising that shouts a joyful promise of life and peace, not angry threats of hostility and death. It’s an uprising of outstretched hands, not clenched fists. It’s the “someday” we have always dreamed of, emerging in the present, rising up among us and within us. It’s so different from what we expected—so much better. This is what it means to be alive, truly alive. This is what it means to be en route, walking the road to a new and better day. Let’s tell the others: the Lord is risen! He is risen indeed! Lord is risen! He is risen indeed! Lord is risen! He is risen indeed!

McLaren, Brian D.. We Make the Road by Walking (p. 170). FaithWords. Kindle Edition.