Dispersed Community: Connection


By Andrea Lingle

How do you establish, maintain, and nurture a Dispersed Community?

This is one of the primary questions that pushes my work with the MWF. I am a stay at home parent who home educates my children. There is quite a bit of home involved in these two endeavors. Quite. A. Bit.

Isolation is difficult. It is different from being introverted or a homebody. It is the empty feeling of knowing that you are disconnected. Isolation is not solitude. Solitude is taken up, wrestled with, grown through; isolation withers.

The Missional Wisdom Foundation invites you into connection.

Perhaps you don't need it. Perhaps you are surrounded by people and have been dreaming of an hour in a sensory deprivation tank (located just a few minutes away...with a subscription discount...not that I have looked it up or anything. Kids are loud). Then join the Dispersed Community Connection level and spend a few minutes reaching out.

How, you ask?

The MWF Dispersed Community has a closed Facebook Group that is available to join for $1 a month. It is an online community where questions are welcomed, but aggressive arguments are not. The paywall is minimal but has been very effective to keep the conversations honest, open, and safe. (Except for that one time that I tried to correct my own grammar and ended up looking like I was bullying Denise Crane. I am so sorry, Denise).

Social Media can be tiresome and toxic. It can fuel delusions that other people have it together. The impersonality of it can allow people to abandon good behavior and get into polarized arguments, but maybe, just perhaps, it can also be a space for a scattered community to reduce their own or another's isolation. Join the MWF Dispersed Community at the Connection Level!